Beltrami County Historical Society volunteer and board member Andy Mack retired from board membership at January's board meeting. Andy has served the Historical Society as a board member since 2004. During his tenure and through his leadership and effort, the Great Northern Depot was rescued from demolition and restored in partnership with the City of the Bemidji. The Depot is on the National Register of Historic Places and serves as the home of the Beltrami County Historical Society and History Center as well as the meeting space for the Northern Iron Horse Railroad Society, another one of Andy's passions.

In honor of Andy's support of the Historical Society through board leadership and volunteerism, the Board presented Andy with a railroad timepiece on a vintage Great Northern watch fob. The timepiece is an Illinois pocket watch made by the Burlington Watch Company in 1923, railroad grade, suitable for this amazing contributor to our community and ardent railfan. We are grateful for Andy's board membership and look forward to his continued support of the Historical Society as a volunteer!
